Mathematics of interacting QFT models

York, 1-5 July 2019

Rigorous construction of interacting quantum field theory (QFT) models in 4 spacetime dimensions is one of the biggest challenges of mathematical physics. There are several difficulties that one has to overcome and these are both of conceptual and technical nature. Many decades of research on interacting models in QFT resulted not only in better understanding of the physics involved, but also gave rise to new, interesting mathematics.

The aim of this conference is to bring together experts working on different aspects of interacting QFT to present recent results and discuss perspectives for future directions. The main discussion topics will be:

  • Axiomatic systems for QFT: progress in constructing interacting models.
  • Renormalization: analytic and combinatorial aspects.
  • Infrared problem: progress and perspectives.

The invited speakers are:

  • Dorothea Bahns
  • John Barrett
  • Detlev Buchholz
  • Daniela Cadamuro
  • Pierre Clavier
  • Jan Dereziński
  • Paweł Duch
  • Wojciech Dybalski
  • David Evans
  • Chris Fewster
  • Klaus Fredenhagen
  • Harald Grosse
  • Eli Hawkins
  • Gandalf Lechner
  • Nguyen Viet Dang
  • Sylvie Paycha
  • Karl-Henning Rehren
  • Vincent Rivasseau
  • Alexander Schenkel
  • Rainer Verch
  • Raimar Wulkenhaar

The schedule is available here and the book of abstracts can be downloaded from here . The slides from the talks are available here .

The workshop will be hosted at King’s Manor, which is a lovely historical building right in the city centre.